Waste Planning & Recycling
Reducing, recycling and the safe management of waste is a continuing priority for government.
The Regional Development Strategy for Northern Ireland promotes the development of a waste management strategy for Northern Ireland and provides guidelines for policy, waste management locations and facilities.
Planning Policy Statement 11 sets out the Department’s planning policies for the development of waste management facilities. This includes objectives to promote the development, in appropriate locations, of waste management facilities, to ensure that detrimental effects on people, the environment, and local amenity associated with waste management facilities are avoided or minimised; and to secure appropriate restoration of proposed waste management sites for agreed after-uses.
Six West have been extensively involved in waste management and recycling developments throughout Northern Ireland and we have undertaken direct negotiations with various government agencies to ensure our clients receive the best advice and assistance to successfully receive planning consent.
Exemptions from Waste Management Licensing
Six West have successfully negotiated with NIEA- Licensing and Authorisation Section to ensure our clients achieve an exemption from waste management licensing. We can prepare NIEA exemption applications and submit all relevant operational information including site specific quality manuals to facilitate agreement with the controlling authority and ensure our client meets all their legal requirements.